What is Auto Trading
and How Can You Get Started?
June 2, 2020

Auto trading makes investing based on newsletter trade alerts simple and easy. Typically, when an online brokerage firm, such as eOption, receives trade alerts from the newsletter publisher you've signed up with, they are executed as quickly and efficiently as possible. By agreeing to the auto trading terms and conditions, you are allowing eOption to enter and/or exit the trade alerts from your newsletter publisher on a self-directed basis. A key advantage of choosing this investment strategy is that it enables you to effectively and efficiently get into and out of trade alerts when the newsletter publishes them.
Getting Started with Auto Trading
Prior to setting up auto trading, be sure to perform the same due diligence you would for any other investment strategy that you're considering. It's important to decide if auto trading is an investment concept that is consistent with your goals as an investor.
The decision regarding the third-party newsletter publisher is yours alone. eOption executes trades based on the alerts provided by the newsletter you've chosen. These trades are enacted based on the additional requirements you've set (such as dollar amount per trade). At any time, you can change these parameters to ensure that your overall investment strategy is still being followed. The first step in getting started in auto trading is to read and understand what the Securities and Exchange Commission states regarding auto trading risks. You then need to subscribe to a participating newsletter publisher. eOption works with many newsletter publishers to provide you with the convenience and flexibility that works for your investments. In order to take advantage of auto trading with eOption, you also must have an open eOption account and many times, fill out a separate options trading application where certain levels of approval are required.
Log into your eOption account and navigate to Additional Services. Here, you'll find a tab for Auto Trading. Click on it and you'll be guided through the process of selecting the newsletter publishing service, or services, you subscribe to, allocating a trade amount and setting any additional requirements regarding the trades eOption performs on your behalf.
Advantages of Auto Trading
In addition to being able to quickly and efficiently take advantage of the trade alerts issued by the newsletter publisher(s) you've chosen without having to constantly stay on top of the market's conditions, there are a number of other advantages to doing so with eOption.
Working with eOption enables you to efficiently manage your subscription online anytime, day or night, 24 hours a day. Simply log into your eOption account from the trading site.
From there, you can control your service to meet your goals. Change the amount allocated to a certain newsletter. You can even stop and start the service any time you want.
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eOption's easy-to-access online platform provides smart investors with the tools they need to achieve their goals. To learn more about auto trading or eOption, see eOption.com for more details.
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This information provided for general informational purposes only and should not be considered recommendations or advice by eOption.
Options trading involves risk and is not suitable for all investors. Options trading privileges are subject to eOption review and approval. Please review the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options brochure and the Supplement before you begin trading options.
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